CAP: Contractor Assistance Program

For Contractors

Free your time to focus on your next project.

  • Fewer customer callbacks
  • Increased customer satifsfaction
  • You and your subcontractors are free to focus forward
  • TCH reports service calls to you, keeping you informed

For Owners

One phone call for hardware adjustments, repairs, and replacements.

  • One call for all hardware adjustments, repairs, and replacements
  • TCH maintains warranty and service call records
  • TCH maintains hardware and doors to original specifications by certified experts

How it works

  1. At turnover, you provide the owner's contact information to TCH.
  2. You and TCH contact the owner requesting that all hardware calls are directed to your TCH project manager.
  3. TCH fields hardware maintenance calls, provides a diagnosis, and dispatches a technician when necessary.
  4. The technician makes necessary repairs on-site.
  5. TCH maintains service records.

Delegate your maintenance and repair workflow to us!

Further Details

The Contractor Assistance Program (CAP) carries the same exclusions contained in the manufacturer’s warranties for each of the covered products, except that we accept responsibility for any installation problems that remain after our installation acceptance punchlist items have been corrected. We are not responsible for damage caused by field-applied finishes, vandalism, misuse, modifications to products that are not approved by the manufacturer, and excessive wear and tear.